IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

MPC Channel Network Interface (MPC)

This chapter describes MPC Channel Network Interface (MPC) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: MPC.001 file( line): No IORB allocated (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.001 file( line): No IORB could be allocated (network network)

Description: MPC+ processing required an IORB that could not be obtained.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.002 file( line): netfout did not send data frame (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.002 file( line): netfout did not send out data frame (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler did a netfout that failed to send the frame out.



Short Syntax: MPC.003 file( line): PDU invalid (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.003 file( line): PDU received was invalid (network network)

Description: The MPC+ PDU was invalid.

Cause: The MPC+ Net Handler did not like the PDU that was received over the channel.

Action: Contact Software Support.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.004 file( line): input fsminput curr stte curr_state new stte new_state actn action (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.004 file( line): input fsminput current state curr_state new state new_state action action (network network)

Description: Show the inputs to the MPC+ FSM that is given in the message.



Short Syntax: MPC.005 file( line): SDU ( rutype_string) invalid (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.005 file( line): SDU ( rutype_string) was invalid (network network)

Description: The MPC+ SDU was invalid.

Cause: The MPC+ Net Handler did not like the SDU in the PDU that was received over the channel.

Action: Contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.006 file( line): no cbtype_string CB available (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.006 file( line): no cbtype_string control block available (network network)

Description: Storage for a control block or its resources (i.e. IORBs) was not able to be obtained for MPC+ Net Handler.



Short Syntax: MPC.007 file( line): conntype_string_ equal user data (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.007 file( line): conntype_string_ Virtual Circuit user data was equal (network network)

Description: The user_data on the virtual circuit was the same.

Cause: Both VTAM and the MPC+ Net Handler picked the same user data.

Action: If the connection type is CM, then try to bring up the MPC+ Group again. Hopefully , the random number in the user data will be different the next time.

Action: If the User connection, then try to modify the user data. Note-APPN connections use the control point names.



Short Syntax: MPC.008 file( line): cbtype_string CB was not found for cmdtype_string (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.008 file( line): cbtype_string control block could not be located for cmdtype_string (network network)

Description: The MPC+ control block for the command (primitive/SDU) could not be located.

Cause: The control block was already freed because the resources have come down.

Action: Typically, No action is required.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.009 file( line): fsmtype_string FSM invalid, input = input state = state (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.009 file( line): fsmtype_string FSM had invalid input, input = input state = state (network network)

Description: One the the MPC+ FSMs received an input that should not occur in the current state.

Action: Typically, No action is required. If the problem persists, contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.010 file( line): Primitive ( primtype_string) invalid (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.010 file( line): Primitive ( primtype_string) was invalid (network network)

Description: The MPC+ primitive was invalid.

Cause: The MPC+ Net Handler did not like the primitive it received from other processing in the box.

Action: Contact Software Support.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.011 file( line): Primitive ( primtype_string) was a dup (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.011 file( line): Primitive ( primtype_string) was a duplicate (network network)

Description: The MPC+ primitive was for a resource that was already active or in the process of becoming active.

Action: Typically, No action is required. If the problem persists, contact Software Support.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.012 file( line): conntype_string conn congested (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.012 file( line): conntype_string connection is congested (network network)

Description: The connection that the MPC+ PDU was received over was congested so the PDU was discarded.

Action: Typically, No action is required. If the problem persists, contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.013 file( line): cmd ( commtype_string) was unsupp (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.013 file( line): command ( commtype_string) was unsupported (network network)

Description: The command from the Device Driver was unsupported.

Action: Contact Software Support.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.015 file( line): subchnnl ( local_sc_num) not expectng cmd_string cmd (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.015 file( line): local subchannel ( local_sc_num) not expecting cmd_string command in current state (network network)

Description: An MPC+ subchannel received a command that was not expected in its current state. The command was ignored

Cause: VTAM resent the command that was already processed for the subchannel.

Action: Typically, No action is required. If the problem persists, contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.016 file( line): timer ( timer_string) popped when not running (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.016 file( line): timer ( timer_string) popped when it was not currently running (network network)

Description: An MPC+ timer was running when the processing did not think it was running.

Action: Contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.017 file( line): XID2( xid2_type) failed validation (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.017 file( line): XID2( xid2_type) failed was validation (network network)

Description: The MPC+ XID2 received failed its validation checks and will be consider bad.

Cause: VTAM may be using a downlevel version of MPC instead of HPDT MPC. Only HPDT MPC (i.e. MPC+) is supported.

Action: Configure VTAM to use HPDT MPC.

Cause: The random numbers in the XID2 exchange were the same in the MPC+ Net Handler and VTAM.

Action: Try to bring up the MPC Group again. Hopefully, different random number will be exchanged the next time.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.018 file( line): dup. PDU was received (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.018 file( line): A duplicate PDU was received (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Sequence Manager discarded a duplicate PDU that was recevied.

Action: No action is required.



Short Syntax: MPC.019 file( line): conn_string connection cleaned up by Seq. Manager (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.019 file( line): conn_string connection was cleaned up by Sequence Manager (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Sequence Manager cleaned up the connection because of sequencing or acknowledgement problems.

Cause: Data got out of sequence and was not able to recover.

Action: The connections should come back and recover. If the problem continues to happen, then check that the sequence timer value for the connection is not too low. Increase the sequence timer value for the connection if it may be too low. The problem could have been due to delays in traffic that the sequence timer value was not high enough.

Cause: Data was not being acknowledged from VTAM in a timely matter.

Action: If data was still flowing, then may need to modify the sequence timer value for the connection.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.020 file( line): MPC+ command_string to base channel (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.020 file( line): MPC+ command_string sent to base channel (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler sent an MPC command or data to the base channel Net Handler.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.021 file( line): MPC+ command_string from base channel (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.021 file( line): MPC+ command_string received from base channel (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler received an MPC command or data from the base channel Net Handler.



Short Syntax: MPC.022 file( line): ru_string invalid. err_string: 0x err_data (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.022 file( line): ru_string validation failed. err_string: 0x err_data (network network)

Description: Configuration type parameters failed validation.

Cause: Invalid data configured at this end or received from the other end

Action: Fix configuration.



Short Syntax: MPC.023 file( line): Disabled Net( rea_string). err_string: 0x err_data (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.023 file( line): Error: Disabled Network Interface ( rea_string). err_string: 0x err_data (network network)

Description: Net Handler Interface disabled due to serious error

Cause: Storage allocation failure

Action: There is not currently enough storage for the configured resources. Storage may become available. To attempt to bring back up the interface, issue test from the operator console.

Cause: Attempt by invalid protocol to use interface

Action: Probably a software error, check the configuration. If ok, contact customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.024 file( line): event_string IP Addr IP_address MPC+ nt network

Long Syntax: MPC.024 file( line): event_string IP Address IP_address on MPC+ network network

Description: An IP address has been added or deleted from the MPC+ Net Handler


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.025 file( line): MPC+ user data to base channel (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.025 file( line): MPC+ user data sent to base channel (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler sent user data to the base channel Net Handler. A PDU may contain multiple user data packets. This message counts once per PDU, but displays one per packet in the PDU.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MPC.026 file( line): MPC+ user data from base channel (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.026 file( line): MPC+ user data received from base channel (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler received user data from the base channel Net Handler. A PDU may contain multiple user data packets. This message counts once per PDU, but displays one per packet in the PDU.



Short Syntax: MPC.027 file( line): Wrong protocol( protocol1_string) tried to use protocol2_string Exclusive Use MPC+ Group (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.027 file( line): Wrong protocol( protocol1_string) tried to use protocol2_string Exclusive Use MPC+ Group (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Group can not be used by the requesting protocol based on the configuration.

Action: Double check that configuration (Exclusive Use Enable) was correct.



Short Syntax: MPC.028 file( line): protocol1_string Exclusive Use MPC+ Group already in use by protocol2_string (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.028 file( line): protocol1_string Exclusive Use MPC+ Group already in use by protocol2_string (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Group can not be used by the requesting protocol based on the configuration and the fact that another instance of the protocol is using it.

Action: Double check that configuration (Exclusive Use Enable) was correct.



Short Syntax: MPC.029 file( line): Subchannel (0x subnum) READ or WRITE on both sides (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.029 file( line): Subchannel (0x subnum) is coded READ or coded WRITE on both sides (network network)

Description: The Subchannel list is either coded as READ on both sides of the channel or coded a WRITE on both sides of the channel.

Action: Double check that configuration (READ vs WRITE) was correct.



Short Syntax: MPC.030 file( line): cmdtype_string was received for SC 0x subnum which is not part of this Net (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.030 file( line): cmdtype_string was received for subchannel 0x subnum which is not part of this MPC+ NET (network network)

Description: The Command listed was received for Subchannel that is not part of the Net handler

Action: Contact Software Support.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.031 file( line): MPC+ nt network protocol down for protocol prtcl

Long Syntax: MPC.031 file( line): MPC+ network network protocol down for protocol prtcl

Description: The MPC+ Net Handler has receive a protocol down.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.032 file( line): cmd ( commtype_string) was discarded - net is disabled (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.032 file( line): command ( commtype_string) was discarded - net is disabled (network network)

Description: The command was discarded because the net was disabled.

Action: Contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.033 file( line): MPC+ discarded protocolid_string IORB due to no data (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.033 file( line): MPC+ discarded protocolid_string IORB due to no data (network network)

Description: The IORB was discarded because it did not contain any data.

Action: Contact Software Support.



Short Syntax: MPC.034 file( line): protocol_string tried to use a non-Exclusive Use MPC+ Group (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.034 file( line): protocol_string tried to use a non-Exclusive Use MPC+ Group (network network)

Description: The MPC+ Group can not be used by the requesting protocol based on the configuration. This may not be an error. Some Host users (e.g. TCP/IP) may deliberately send down requests for multiple MPC protocols and do not expect them all to succeed.

Action: Double check that configuration (Exclusive Use Enable) was correct.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.035 file( line): BF Decide: Loc Conn Token=0x conn_string BF= bf ThruPut= thruput(ms/pack) ElapTime= elaptim(ms) (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.035 file( line): Blocking Factor Decision: Local Connection Token=0x conn_string Blocking Factor= bf Thruput= thruput(millisec/packet) ElapsedTime= elaptim(millsec) (network network)

Description: Provides information on how the MPC+ blocking algorithm is behaving for the connection.

Action: None.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MPC.036 file( line): Block Push: Loc Conn Token=0x conn_string BF= bf PushCnt= pushcnt (nt network)

Long Syntax: MPC.036 file( line): Block Push: Local Connection Token=0x conn_string Blocking Factor= bf PushCnt= pushcnt (network network)

Description: Provides information on how the MPC+ blocking algorithm is behaving for the connection.

Action: None.

Panic mpcnomem 

Short Syntax: mpcnomem: MPC+ Net Handler no memory

Description: An MPC+ Net Handler cannot allocate memory for control block(s).

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic mpcnsram 

Short Syntax: mpcnsram: MPC+ channel SRAM not found

Description: The SRAM record for an MPC+ channel Net handler could not be found.

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic mpcnosub 

Short Syntax: mpcnosub: subch not found

Description: The requested logical path and device address was not found in the channel handler subchannel table.

Action: Contact customer service.

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